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10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Aizawa is one of the most loved characters from the My Hero Academia series, and this man deserves all the praise that he gets. Aizawa is a very calm and collected hero who is always ready to sacrifice his life to protect innocent people. This man can come up with the most brilliant battle strategies, and his fighting prowess is also nothing short of amazing.
Many fans of the My Hero Academia series are interested in Shota Aizawa and want to know more about him. Today, I’ll satisfy your hunger by giving you 10 amazing Eraserhead facts.

10- Present Mic is the one who selected Aizawa’s Hero name

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Every young hero gets to select his/her own hero name. However, Aizawa was not really sure about what his hero name should be. Present Mic was actually the one who selected the hero name Eraser Head for Shota Aizawa.

9- Midnight is the reason why Aizawa became a teacher

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Midnight got requested by the principal of UA to become a teacher at the institute. When she met Eraserhead, she said that he should consider becoming a teacher as well. Aizawa disagrees, but Midnight submits a referral without his knowledge, and he gets accepted as a teacher at UA.

8- Aizawa loves Cats

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Aizawa absolutely adores cats. A stray cat is the very reason why he became a hero in the first place. Once, Aizawa gave his umbrella to a stray cat in the rain and this awakened his inner Hero.

7- Aizawa’s room is very empty

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Of course, this fact does not really surprise any of us! As we can already tell from his personality, Aizawa is a very minimalistic person who just wants to spend a simple life.

6- Aizawa’s power is a Double-Edged sword

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Aizawa has the ability to take away the power of anyone else’s quirk. This quirk almost seems too overpowered, but it has its own drawbacks as well. Aizawa’s eyes get very dry whenever he uses his ability, and he can’t use his ability for an extended period of time.

5- Aizawa wasn’t really sure about becoming a Hero

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

As a youngster, Aizawa doubted his powers a lot as he thought that his quirk was not really that strong. Aizawa also thought that he wouldn’t be able to face real trouble. However, Aizawa was reassured by his friends that he has what it takes to become a real Hero.

4- His friend Oboro Shirakumo gave him his goggles

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Aizawa’s goggles are his trademark feature! The goggles perfectly complement his ability as without them, a villain could just easily blind him, rendering him useless. Seeing Aizawa’s weakness, his friend Oboro let him borrow his goggles.

3- Aizawa first met All Might after a raid on the villain factory

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

After being convinced by Midnight, he decided to work with the police to defeat the villains. The police and the heroes organize a raid on a villain facility. Aizawa meets All Might while they were younger after this raid ends.

2- Aizawa’s friend Oboro first suggested that he should work with kids

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

One day, when Aizawa and Oboro were escorting little children out of their school, Oboro notices that Aizawa is very considerate and kind when he is dealing with little children. This led to Oboro suggesting that Aizawa should consider working with children in the future.

1- Aizawa’s scarf perfectly complements his quirk

10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota
10 Outstanding Facts About Aizawa Shota

Aizawa’s scarf is actually a cloth-like weapon made from carbon fibers and a special metal alloy. This scarf is the perfect weapon for Aizawa as his ability only erases the enemies’ quirks. Aizawa can erase his enemies’ quirks and then capture them using his specially made scarf.


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